HajJ Packing list
The following items are a MUST:
Passport including Visa Documentation
Hajj ministry will take your passport upon arrival in Saudi Arabia and will return it to you at the airport when departing.
Proof of Vaccination
All pilgrims must have a valid certificate of vaccination.
Draw up a budget before departure. Take a good amount of money to cover your personal expenses. You can exchange your money at the airport upon arrival.
Debit / Credit Card
Cards can be used to purchase and to withdraw money from an ATM machine if your money runs out. Be sure to call your banks before hand to activate your card for international use.
Emergency Contact Numbers
Photocopy of Passport
Masks/Gloves/Hands Sanitizer (due to COVID-19)
Below is an additional recommended list of items. Don't feel like you HAVE to take, but they will definitely help. Some items you can find in Makkah/Madinah.
Hard-Shell Suitcase with locks, keys and tags
Backpack/Shoe Bag/String Bag
Clothing & Accessories
Garments for Ihrām
Clothes (underwear included)
Hajj Belt/Waist Pouch
Sandals/Bathroom slippers
Universal Travel Adapter.
Mobile Phone and charger
Portable Charger / Power Bank
Multiple plug/ Extension cord
Prayer Mat
Hajj / Umrah Guide Book
Toiletries / Hygiene
Toiletries Bag
Toilet Rolls/Pocket Tissues Wet Wipes,
Nail Cutter/Small scissors (women)
Current/Regular Medication (E.g. Inhaler if you have asthma, insulin if you have diabetes etc)
Cold & Flu Medication/Pain Reliever tablets, Over the counter medicine (for variety purposes)
Supplement (glucose, rehydration)
Other Items
Duct Tape / Sellotape
May Allah swt accept all our good deed and forgive our bad ones!